Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sorry From Baby San...

I am sorry, I am really sorry for I hav no update our blog for lon long times ady...
Please forgive me... My lovely baby, mommy and daddy... I am sorry...
Actually, i really wanted to update our family blog, but i don't know why, when i switched on the computer and looked to our blog everytime, i hav nothing to write and let u girls know... I think it is because i hav nothing to do here and no news to let u girls know... I am really sorry...

Erm... May be u girls more concerned about the stuff between baking powder and me... U girls are worried about me sometimes... Erm... About baking powder... Don't worry, I didn't call him and meet him for long long times ago... If there is anything happen, i will let u girls know... What i want to say is, I am fine and happy now... So, don't worry... *(^_^)*
U know, when i was with my parents after shopping one day, i suddenly remembered him, then i tried to remember his face, i noticed that i can't remember his face clearly, i can't remember his face as soon as i can like usual... I just remember his baking powder_ hair style... I can't remember it although i took some time to remember it... But i am failure too... Until i tried to remember his face through his hair and the picture that he display on his friendster, then i remembered it... Howver, it took me about 10 minutes to make it... And one day when i was in my car, i suddenly thought about him again... This time, I suddenly thought about his handphone number, i can't remember that, i just can remember there are many number 6 and 7... I tried again, it took me about a few minutes to remember the number again... I am happy for that... This is because i heard someone said that before, to forget someone, it need time... And i heard that before, when u suddenly think about that guy while u are doing other stuff one day, that prove that u hav forgotten that guy ady... But i don't know am i success now...

I am really confused for that... I heard a song, then i don't know why, i cried when everyone's sleeping and i am sitting on the bed alone... I heard the song for a few times and i knew its meaning, then i began crying... 泪 水 慢 慢 得 流 下 , it was so weird, so strange...
Feel like very sad... I think it is because i thought about what he told me and promised me before when i heard that song... I don't know why i cried, but I think may be, i just cried a few times when i broke up with him, i was still sad, but i pretended to be strong and tough that time, not to make u girls worried and there were many stuff to do, so i hav no time to be sad and pretended to be strong. So, i would be sad and cry when i heard something and saw something...
I am just confused for that... But now, i am really HAPPY... *(^_^)* (Don't worrry...)
This song made me cry... But it is really a good song...
I think i am a weird person... Haha... I don't know how to say, becuase i feel like i am a tough enough baby and not to make u girls worried, not like mommy chyi... But when u think more u will realise that i will make u girls worried sometimes too, like mommy chyi too... Haha... So, i am sorry... If i hav make u girls worried about me... But, please don't worry me... I will try my best to make my life better... I will let u girls know if there is something happen, because i need u girls support too... I am happy and fine now... I LOVE U ALL!!! muacks~~~*(^-^)*