Thursday, November 20, 2008


2008 年11月19日 -- 2008年11月20日

我們‘一家人’又重逢了.. 這明顯是我們等了很久的一天﹐我們從兩個月前就約好了﹗baby yuin的生日派對~好期待﹐真的.. 我們就這樣瘋狂了兩天.. 去溜冰﹑慶祝生日﹑唱k.. 還有那個晚上﹐雖然被珊拋棄了﹐我們還是玩得很開心﹐哈哈﹗半夜十一點去“第一站”喝茶﹐喝完後立刻轉場﹐看著coffee bean, starbucks,leo's,ols town,old taste,bliss33一間間的關店﹐我們去了naili's﹐一間很高級的喝茶店﹐直到半夜才回家。那一晚﹐道路好像就是屬於我們的一樣﹐再累的我們也提起精神吹吹水感覺真的很棒啊﹗還有溜冰場的帥哥﹐daddy的四肢不發達﹐拍照的馬來人(經典人物)﹐用湯匙吃不用切的生日蛋糕﹑唱k唱到站在沙發上被cctv拍到...這一切﹑一切都是屬於我們的回憶..
BY : chyi <3

Saturday, November 15, 2008

MY 2nd POST ~~~~~~ FROM: ^.^yuin^.^

好久没用华语了...在毕业典礼那天,凯琪叫我帮她写感言在她的毕业刊, 那时我才发现我的华语退步了很多,有好多字不会写,还被daddy嘲笑呢! 哈哈哈,(daddy, 相信你也没好过我很多哦!)...唉!!!!我不想我那11年的华文教育就那么浪费, 所以我要练习多一点华语才行。

ERM.....14/11/08(FRIDAY) 那天,我,BABBY SAN, DADDY,& 她的"外遇"出席了"坤成百年文娱汇演"...

(1) 去捧MUMMY的场,因为她有表演...

虽然本人觉得这CONCERT超闷(除了MUMMY表演的那一part, hehehe)和浪费时间金钱, 但想到能看mummy表演和一家团聚,一切都值得啦!!!!!

那晚,我真的很开心,但觉得遗憾的是babby san & daddy 不能在concert完后和我&mummy去喝茶...我&mummy驾车到taman desa的一间 coffee shop----好味道,喝茶吃三明治&
谈天 ...大约11pm 才回家...


无论如何,我都会在你身边支持你的...记得我永远都是你的好友,有什么事记得告诉我哦!不用怕我介意...那事情你那么就才让我知道,真的很傻啊你!!!! haha
btw, 只要你开心就好...

daddy&babby san,

你们也是一样哦!有什么事不用怕不好意思而不说... 要坦诚... 哈哈哈, 我答应你们我也会一样的...

*我的华语还很好啊...THX GOD!!!!! HEHE

Friday, November 14, 2008

~new start~

hehe~im improving....not a kampung gal anymore~^^~
im posting my 2nd post~*wohooooooo*

actuali when i viewed all the post, i start to knew tat our *family* is BAC !!!!
v knew our mistake after v r seperated~* remember during spm v promise each other tat no matter where v go v must still keep in touch n tis family will never change*
although v fail once but i know ~V DID IT NOW~
^^ yEAh~~"ai de gu li"
hehe~let us leave the past behind n create a diff HISTORY in our *fAmILy*=<<<<<
lOok FoRwArD mY gALsssssssssss~

mummy ur *golden* hair reali very *GOLD* LOR~
but frankly speaking~u Look A LITTLE BIT more......*pretty*
=be humble=is little bit only~
i think u should change the title lor~
cannot be 1 head 3 balloon~ bcoz small baby's balloon *lou feng* de~
faster think~then v change it!!



Monday, November 10, 2008

graduation day 8th nov 08'

baby san and i had finally graduated!! we are not kuen cheng girls anymore.. haha, yea, we are the EX kuen cheng girls XD what baby yuin said is really true, when daddy hugged me that morning, i felt so warmth and kept on crying on her shoulders.. after that, baby yuin came to hugged us.. i really hope the time would stop there although i know it is absolutely impossible.. i love that warmth hug.. and in the end, four of us cried (although that was not yuin and daddy's graduation day, haha XD) i appreciate everything, is true

Sunday, November 9, 2008


First & foremost, i would like to apologize that i have taken a long time to write something on it.......hehe. True friends are really hard to find and will forgive you even before you say sorry. That's why, i know that mummy, daddy, and baby San have already forgiven me, right?

Erm...i forgot who created this 'family'....If not mistaken, i think is daddy rite? Haha .... undeniable, wen i started to get a long with her, i used to think that she is a weirdo... (sorry to be so mean, but i'm confessing my deepest & truest feeling and thought, haha); for instance, she creates the 'family(which i used to think that it was pretty lame and funny), she likes to call us loudly.....but not our names, is :" mummy, baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", she loves to hug us, holds our hands and(baby San likes to be like that too...haha)....(i know it's not weird, but it's purely my own thought). BUT!!!! NOW!!! I really appreciate that she has created this family, because my family ll stick by me in my troubled time, cheer me up , give me their greatest support and consolation. I admit that sometimes i'm a grumpy and emo person and ll start to blame or maunder about something, but they never ever turn away from me and give me total freedom to be myself and especially to feel, or not feel. Whatever I happen to be feeling at any moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he or she really is. That's why, i feel very comfortable when i be with them. Really thx them a lot....I cant conceal that i really need this's the place where i can rely on......

Before mummy and I got along with daddy and baby san, we were a extremely conservative person that ll felt very uncomfortable when someone hugged us (actually we are the weirdo, right? haha). But after we met daddy and baby san, our stereotypical characteristic changed..... especially and obviously on 8 November 2008 (KUEN CHENG'S GRADUATION DAY). WOW!!!!! On that day, we hugged each other many many times and very very long that we have never had before.... HAHA, of course we cried. THX baby san and daddy. I could feel the tenderness and the warmness of the hugs. On that moment, i suddenly recalled many of our sweet memories. I believe that no one in our class has a unique and rigid friendship like us. I'm proud of it!!!!!

The time we can get together is getting less and less. Especially when me and daddy dumped mummy and baby san at kuen cheng. What i wanna say is even though (maybe) i have changed (because i'm studying in college currently) and we ll all finding our own place in the world soon, we all must know that the tears fall or the smile spreads across our face, we'll come to each other. Because no matter where this crazy world takes us, nothing will ever change so much on our friendship...... Our friendship will never end......



Tuesday, November 4, 2008

~I BeLI3Ve~

well well well~
our great *mummy* come out wit tis interesting idea~
but yet im so glad tat tis family is still something to everyone of us~
to be a member of the family is not hard!!
but holding on to the MEMBERSHIP is a reali tough process....
no matter wat happen in the future~i know tis is THE MEMBERSHIP tat i wun >GIVE UP<:
not bad lar~my first time i give to all of u again-{MY FIRST BLOG}...
kampung gal mar~rite??^^hehe~

my dearest mummy,

honestly, u reali mean so much to me~>i know u knew it<~
things happened+changed after NS...(obviously we feel it)
things come and go...ppl come and go... but deeply inside my heart i know i cant let go of tis onli *SPECIAL FAMILY*~
but u know me reali well~im STUBBORN*SOLI....
sorry to give u those hard time~sorry to make u sad~
thank you tat u still hold on to me as a fren...
*i reali appreciate it very very much*
~~~~~THANK YOU~~~~`
remember all those WEDNESDAY NITE~remember those baskin robbin~
remember those bread~those breakfast~those cookies~those fruits~
remember the korean bbq~remember everything tat we experience b4~
*finally i know+understand the UGLY DUCKING story*
^^hehe~love u soooooooOOOOOOOOOOOoooOOOO much~

my bIg bAby,

it has been quite sometimes didnt contact wit u~how's life over there??
reali a useless daDdy asking such question~:<
thank you for *SCOLDING* me up from my >nasty<>
but....reali sacrifice the *precious thing* beside me~.......
however~everything is worth now!!^^
hehe~without mummy we should be quite far apart...
but i will never forget the 1st *heart to heart* talk tat we have in the restaurant beside mummy's ballet academic~
i believe our experience will be more than tis~

my cUtIe tiny bAbY,

daddy very naughty o...forgive daddy k ??
u dun *fierce~fierce* anymore hor~BCOZ....
U WILL still LOSE TO ME DE~so better give up early~*^^*wahahaha~
u are the *sweet sweet* baby in our family~
always also KENA BULLY~=tu=...
daddy also kena lar~
no choice 2 [scary+creative] *ahem* in our family rite....
i didnt say anything a !!!=,=
baby, we will work hard for this family rite??
this will be a place for us to rest,to play,to eat, to turn to when we are down....
~~~a place that is always ready for us~~~><

I LOVE ALL OF U..ssssss~
~~~~~thank you for the SABARness tat u..ssss give me~~~~~
im glad to have all of u in my life~im happy to be place as a member in this falimy~
i praise GOD for the chance to have all of u to ~WRITE OUR VERY OWN STORIESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS......(just dun let the"s" end k ? )
~~^^fRoM dADdY^^~~

Sunday, November 2, 2008

像 以 前 一 样 到 最 后...

琪 告 诉 我 , 她 要 开 一 个blog 关 于 我 们 family 的, 我 真 的 真 的 很 开 心 。 还 记 得 去 年 我 们 坐 在 楼 梯 那 念 书 , 为 我 们 的 SPM 奋 斗, 那 些 记 忆 还 出 现 在 我 的 脑 海 里 , 非 常 的 清 晰 。突 然 间 , 我 很 想 回 到 像 以 前 一 样 , 像 以 前 一 样 我 们 一 起 笑 、 一 起 聊 天 、 一 起 讲 是 非 、一 起 吃 东 西 、 一 起 欺 负 别 人 、 一 起 讲 笑 ... 一 起 做 每 一 件 事, 很 多 很 开 心 的 回 忆 都 是 我 们 四 个 人 一 起 的 时 候 发 生 的 。 我 知 道 , 这 一 年 里 面 发 生 了 许 多 事 情, 我 们 或 许 真 的 怀 疑 过 彼 此 ,很 多 事 情 也 都 不 一 样 了 , 但 我 相 信 我 们 还 是 那 一 个最 初 、 最 原 本 的 自 己, 我 们 还 是 关 心 着 彼 此 的 , 我 们 之 间 仍 然 会像 以 前 一 样 , 一 个 family 里 面 有 daddy、 有 mommy 还 有 两 个 baby, 关 心 着 family 中 的 每 一 个 人 。我 觉 得 我 最 开 心 的 事 就 是 认 识 到 你 们 , 然 后 加 入 我 们 的 family, 成 为 你 们 的 小 baby, 有 什 么 事 都 支 持 着 我 、 鼓 励我 、安 慰 我 , 你 们 对 我 做 的 每 一 件 事 , 我 都 很 感 激 和 感 动 。我 知 道 人 长 大 后 每 一 样 事 情 都 会 改 变 、 变 质 , 但 我 非 常 希 望, 我 更 相 信 我 们 之 间 的 友 情 永 远 不 会 完 结 、 变 质 , 我 们 之 间 的 故 事 永 远 都 不 要 有 完 结 篇 , 我 们 之 间 的 一 切 是 我 最 宝 贵 、最 珍 惜 的东 西 , 认 识 你 们 是 我 的 运 气 。我 希 望 以 后 我 们 四 个 可 以 陪 着 彼 此 到 最 后 ,牵 着 彼 此 的 手 , 一 起 感 受 彼 此 给 大 家 的 温 柔 。不 管 以 后 我 们 在 哪 里 , 我 们 一 定 要 一 直 联 系 着 彼 此 , 支 持 与 鼓 励 我 们 的 family 。我 爱 你 们 。
我 们 很 久 没 有 拍 我 们 的 全 家 福 了 , 我 很 想 再 拍 很 多 很 多 的 全 家 福 。
San , 02/11/2008.